Modified zip files found. Checking meta.txt validity. Metadata Check: sourceData/gbOpen/ ============================ Metadata file exists in sourceData/gbOpen/ Detected Key / Value: Boundary Representative of Year / 2017 Valid year 2017 detected. Detected Key / Value: ISO-3166-1 / LSO Valid ISO detected: LSO Detected Key / Value: Boundary Type / ADM1 Valid Boundary Type detected: ADM1. Detected Key / Value: Canonical Boundary Name / WARN: No canonical name detected. This field is optional. Detected Key / Value: Source 1 / Wambacher Source detected: Wambacher Detected Key / Value: Release Type / gbOpen Detected Key / Value: License / Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 Valid license type detected: Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 Detected Key / Value: License Notes / WARN: No license notes detected. This field is optional. Detected Key / Value: License Source / https// License source detected: https// License image found. Detected Key / Value: Link to Source Data / https// Data Source Found: https// Detected Key / Value: Other Notes / WARN: No other notes detected. This field is optional. Both a license and release type are defined. Checking for compatability. License type is valid license for the gbOpen product. Metadata checks complete for sourceData/gbOpen/ ---------------------------- OPTIONAL TESTS ---------------------------- canonical FAILED licenseImage PASSED licenseNotes FAILED otherNotes FAILED ---------------------------- REQUIRED TESTS ---------------------------- year PASSED iso PASSED bType PASSED source PASSED releaseType PASSED releaseTypeName PASSED license PASSED licenseName PASSED licenseSource PASSED dataSource PASSED releaseTypeFolder PASSED ========================== Metadata checks passed for sourceData/gbOpen/ ==================== All metadata checks complete. Successes: 1 Failures: 0