Modified zip files found. Checking shape data validity. Data Check: sourceData/gbOpen/ geoJSON (*.geojson) found. Attempting to load. Column for name detected: Name Total number of names detected: 36 Example of first name detected: Arunachal Pradesh WARN: No column for boundary ISOs found. This is not required. All shape geometries are within valid bounds. All shape geometries have valid topology. Projection confirmed as EPSG:4326 Data checks complete for sourceData/gbOpen/ ---------------------------- OPTIONAL TESTS ---------------------------- bndName PASSED nameExample PASSED nameCount PASSED bndISO FAILED isoExample PASSED isoCount FAILED topology PASSED ---------------------------- REQUIRED TESTS ---------------------------- proj PASSED ========================== Data checks passed for sourceData/gbOpen/ ==================== All data checks complete. Successes: 1 Failures: 0 All tests passed.